Keep Standing

Often we are told in the Word and by the Spirit to simply stay put. To stand firm in the spot where God has planted us. There are seasons for breaking new ground and moving forward with kingdom assignments. There are other seasons to continue in the instruction we have already received until new revelation […]

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Why This Waste?

Once upon a time the Son of God was invited to a snooty dinner party at a Pharisee’s home. Right into the middle of the festivities entered a woman of ill repute. She approached Jesus and started weeping at his feet. Then she did the most astonishing thing. She broke open an expensive alabaster box […]

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Fire in the Bones

In these perilous times, it is a constant temptation to shoot my mouth about this issue or that. I know I’m not alone in this; we feel our blood start to boil as we read or watch news stories or follow a thread on social media. There is a rising pressure to speak our minds […]

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Good Suffering

Many years ago, a wise counselor told me, “God doesn’t waste good suffering.” Strange statement, right? How can suffering be described as good? Over the years I have become convinced through many interactions with suffering people that there is indeed such a thing as good suffering.  As someone who hates to waste anything, I find […]

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